4 Solutions Proposed by Centennial Roofers for Uncommon Roofing Problems

Centennial roofers know how to deal with even the most uncommon roofing issues. And they can come up with the best solutions for each particular case. Here are four of these common problems, together with the solutions proposed by these expert roofers:

Centennial roofers

1.      Gaps are present in some regions of your roof. This may result from faulty installation, severe weather conditions, etc. At any rate, these gaps can let moisture get inside your house, affecting the integrity of your entire property. Checking for gaps can be done with drone technology.

2.      Losing heat through the roof can be yet another example of a less usual roof-related issue. This can often appear in the case of older homes, which do not have roofs or attic vents. When there is too much moisture accumulated in the attic, this can lead to mold and other damage to your house. Insulating the root can prevent heat loss.

3.      When the expansion joints on your roof are too few or missing, this may cause your roof to split. The problem can be solved by roof inspection and repair.

4.      Drainage issues may appear when the roof is poorly designed. Roof replacement and repair done by professional Centennial roofers should do the trick.